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Process Service for Logan County

Russellville, Kentucky

  • Logan County Court of Justice
  • 329 West 4th Street
  • Russellville, Kentucky 42276

Services Available

Created from Lincoln County on September 1, 1792, Logan was the 13th county to be estsblished within the state in order of formation.   The county is named after Benjamin Logan who was second in command of the Kentucky militia during the American Revolutionary War and was a leader in bringing statehood to the area. Some notable events and times in the county both go from good to bad times. For example, on May 30, 1806, Future president Andrew Jackson was in pistol duel with Charles Dickinson. Now though Jacskon did become seriously injured, he survived the duel, his opponent on the other hand, was not so lucky. Now for some better and more recent history, in 2009 the county little league team won the Great Lakes regional tournament to become the 4th Kentucky team to represent the region in the Little League World Series located in Williamsport, PA. With a total area of 557 sqaure miles, a population of just under 27,000 call Logan County home.


Map of Kentucky highlighting Logan County

Easy as 1-2-3

  • Step One
  • The first step to start a service with Kentucky Process Service begins with a Request Quote. By completing this form, Kentucky Process Service will initiate your service request.
  • Request A Quote
  • Step Two
  • Once we receive your Service Request, we will be contacting you directly to complete the process. We will contact you with prices for services requested.
  • We have an employee available after hours by phone or email.
  • Step Three
  • The last step is to make your payment. You have the option of paying with credit card, paper check, or money order.
  • Credit Card Payment